8 Dec 2016

Ratko Mladić must get life sentence, say war crimes prosecutors




di Marco Cortesi e Mara Moschini

"Ci sono spettacoli che nascono per divertire, spettacoli che nascono per intrattenere, spettacoli che nascono per emozionare… Questo spettacolo nasce solo con uno scopo: quello di ricordare e fare memoria perché cose del genere non accadano mai più."

26 Apr 2014

Literary award competition

Sunday 11th May at 4 pm will take place the award ceremony of the second edition of the literary competition of the project "At school of dialogue" at Cadoneghe Town Hall.
Bosnian writer Šimo Ešić will be there.

4 Apr 2014

International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Landmines are banned globally since the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997, signed by 138 countries, including Italy. 
China, the United States, Russia, Cuba and Israel have not signed the Convention.

Landmines and childhood.

28 Feb 2014

Disused health equipments

Today Regione Veneto (through Ulss 4 and Ulss 7) donated disused health equipments to Spalle Larghe. Those equipments, including a TC, some  defibrillators, electro-bistouries and one ultrasound scan are destinated to Sanski Most Hospital to ease the access to health cares and to increase the basin of patients.

go to the news on Azienda Ulss 4 Alto Vicentino